
Save Our Skin & Winter-Proof Your Skincare Routine

Anastasia Skin Crusader

Winter isn't particularly kind to our skin, starving it from moisture, chapping our lips and causing all sorts of irritation.  Indoor heating sucks the life out of our skin, whilst outdoor elements tend to dry out our hands and faces first. 

The secret to happy and healthy skin during winter is hydration and protection.

Most seasonal skin concerns can be prevented with a few simple adjustments to our skincare regime.


1. Cleanse With Oils to Prevent that Dry Tight Skin Feeling & Keep Skin Nourished

Look for simple gentle cleansers, that effectively remove grit and makeup, without stripping the skin and leaving you with that tight feeling.  I love a magical golden oil, save our skin's beauty multi-tasker.  It not only is an all over wonder oil, for face, hair and body.  It can also be used as a cleanser, that melts away make up too.  Gently massage a magical golden oil,  into skin and remove with a warm wet face cloth.  It's a great alternative to traditional cleansers, breaks down makeup easily and will leave you thoroughly cleansed without drying out your skin.


2. Don't Skip This Important Step - Use a Hydrating Toner 

Most people skip this step, but Including a toner into your routine, will help return your skin to it's normal pH level and treat underlying skin dehydration.  An alcohol-free toner is recommended as it's less astringent.  See save our skin's mysitify me.  

Use morning and night before moisturising on freshly cleansed skin. mistify me  perfectly prepares your skin, increasing the effectiveness of your moisturisers, serums and treatments.


3. A Good Serum is Like a Multi-Vitamin for Your Face

If you suffer from dehydrated, dull and or ageing skin, incorporating a serum into your daily routine adds an additional barrier of hydration.  Serums are designed to be lightweight, so they can be easily absorbed and like save ours skin's ace for face, most serums are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants.

A good serum can be viewed as a multivitamin for your face. Ensure to check the concentration of each ingredient as most commercial serums are diluted and filled with 'aqua'... a glorified word for water.  These products are not only a waste of money, but will have little or no effect on the health of your skin. Instead, I prefer to use active ingredients in their concentrated form for added benefit.

save ours skin's, ace for face contains 20% concentrated vitamin C, derived from Australian Native Kakadu Plum extract. Studies have revealed that Kakadu Plum found in Northern Australia has the worlds richest levels of Vitamin C (100 x that of Oranges).  So during the cooler months not only will a Vitamin C help ward of colds and flu, applying it topically to your skin will keep your skin be healthy, vibrant and hydrated.


4. Protect all those Delicate Areas 

Protect the most delicate skin on your face by applying a barrier balm to keep you hydrated 24/7.  To offset the effect indoor heating can have on our skin, apply a powerful concoction on lips, cuticles, hands  and that delicate area around your eyes.  It also makes a superior barrier balm for when you are outdoors and exposed to winters elements and need moisture most.

I tend to use this even when just going outdoors for a run or walk, I apply 

a powerful concoction to my lips and around my eyes, it keeps my skin protected from the elements and hydrated at the same time.


If all else fails head to Europe and skip Australian winter all together... 

Haha - I wish.

Take Care + njoy 



Author Bio:

Anastasia Lambadaridis Heggie
Skin Crusader Founder + Director

Founded in 2007 by Melbourne based mum + lifelong eczema sufferer Anastasia Lambadaridis is ardent about making a difference and encourages people to make small changes in the home about the way they care for themselves, their children and the planet.









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