
Change Of Season Equals...Dry, Sensitive, Angry Skin?

Anastasia Skin Crusader

Dry, Sensitive, Angry Skin?

Skin Throwing A Tantrum With The Change Of Season??

Dry, sensitive skin is especially common during the cooler months, When the humidity level drops and the air outside is cool and dry, the water in your skin evaporates more quickly; this makes your skin feel really BLAH...dry and and can increase skin sensitivity.

Shifts in humidity means your custom skincare routine should be extra moisturising during Autumn and Winter. Seasons changing can strip your skin of moisture during this time of the year, so it’s best to be prepared. 

Make Skin Hydration Your Number 1 Skin Saving Priority!

Whether you have dry or oily skin, you should use a moisturiser and serum with hydrating ingredients. Check the ingredients for hyaluronic acid and aloe vera, two very hydrating compounds that lock moisture into your skin without clogging pores.

Also ensure that your water intake is in check Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin's elasticity. Research results indicate that people who drink large amounts of water are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines and they won't show as many signs of ageing as those who drink little amounts of water.

Hyaluronic Acid helps reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles retaining moisture to the skin, creating a plumping effect. When the skin is protected and hydrated, increased skin cell production can take place, as the skin isn't busy fighting for hydration. This leads to smoother, plumper skin cells.

Our Plump Up The Volume retains up to 1000 times its weight in water.

It's also mandatory to mask up weekly to to help rejuvenate your skin...our pink clay mask is rich in silica, which improves cell renewal (this means: how often we make new fresh healthy cells), giving your skin a fresh healthy glow.  It is made up of 100% natural ingredients including soothing Calendula and Aloe Vera  that contribute to a brighter, clearer complexion and even out skin tone. 

Whether you want to use it to detox your skin, tighten your pores, soak up the shine on your T-zone, or use it as an instant pick me up to dial up your skins glow factor.  The humble Mandatory Pink Clay Mask is pretty damn good for your skin, contains no hidden nasties and should become a mandatory staple in your weekly skincare maintenance routine!

Please shout out if you have any questions or concerns, I'm here to help.

Take Care + Enjoy 

Anastasia skin crusader

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